This week, I was busy doing a lot of writing and rewriting in preparation for a presentation to local businesswomen in March at the Evanston/North Shore meetup for Founding Moms. I’m working with the fantastic Marissa Strassel of Strassel Creative, and if you are a business-owner, a woman, and a parent, you don’t want to miss it. Of course, that doesn’t mean I missed a moment of interesting content online — so here some highlights from my screen this week.
This week’s for my clients caused quite a stir on Social Media Today! My Twitter account exploded with RTs and mentions — figuratively, of course. People seemed to feel pretty relieved to hear someone say that they could relax and concentrate on being great at what they do. It made for an exciting week around Jebraweb HQ.
Figuring out what size to make your profile pictures and display images on all the different social networks can send you into hours of searching and a dozen post-it notes attached to your monitor. Thank goodness for Media Bistro’s fantastic infographic — complex as it is — that puts all those measurements in one place:
I just love that comic! Do you know what a serif is? Read more here: We don’t like serifs around here.
You can take the web developer out of a graduate program in writing, but you can’t take the ambitious writer out of the web developer.
You can take the web developer out of a graduate program in writing, but you can’t take the ambitious writer out of the web developer.
Businesses can take advantage of the Year of the Selfie. Don’t believe me? Ask my favorite coffee shop, the Brothers K, about the selfie I took this week, and then read this article:
Non-profits: the Chronicle of Philanthropy wants to use your organization’s photo as their social media banner! Send a logo-free program shot to
We are losing patience with our slow Firefox browser, and this article on Google Chrome is making us feel even more antsy. These are some neat tricks Chrome can do!: