Deborah Siegel, PhD All of our clients are doing important things that we really value. All of them have interesting things to say. But not all of them have an aesthetic that makes us grin whenever we pull their marketing materials up on our desktop. That kind of...
Carrie Goldman, Author & Speaker When your client brings her new Bichon puppy to meetings, you know it’s going to be a fun project! Carrie Goldman was one of the best, most affable clients we’ve worked with. She knew what she wanted instinctively at...
Nautilos Consulting Working with Allen Siegel, the founder and leader of Nautilos Consulting, was a real treat. Passionate about his scholarship and with a keen eye for design, he convinced us that the nautilus shell really is the perfect metaphor for a person’s...
The WELL Talk about a project with some cachet! The WELL is a prestige project like no other. One of the original online spaces for social interaction, long before any “social media” you’d recognize today, The WELL was operating as a dial-up bulletin...
Hip Circle Empowerment Center Hip Circle Empowerment Center’s web site is the perfect example of a project designed to grow with the organization. When we came on board, their site was run in Drupal, a powerful content management system far too complicated for...