Deborah Siegel, PhD
All of our clients are doing important things that we really value. All of them have interesting things to say. But not all of them have an aesthetic that makes us grin whenever we pull their marketing materials up on our desktop. That kind of bright, joyful look is exactly what made building writer Deborah Siegel’s web site so much fun!
Deborah’s personal style was translated perfectly into a new logo, icon set, and color palate by SiegeAce Design. When we got the branding documents, we knew this was going to be a great-looking, minimalist look with bold swatches of color used to highlight Deborah’s books, essays, and new projects. Finding ways to integrate the design tools in Divi was easy; it lends itself perfectly to this style of site.
The best part is that Deborah and her team can manage this site on their own since they have experience with Divi already. Whenever her new book comes out, we’ll be excited to see what she’s doing and to share her bold voice with the world!