Jebrawebbed: Our Blog
JebraWHAT!?: Friendly Answers to Webby Questions…About .SUCKS
Well, hi there! It's time for this month's episode of JebraWHAT!?, our non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We'll be answering your questions about ways you can take control of your...
Why You Still Need a (Real) Web Site
In June of 1993, there were approximately 130 web sites. That's all. By September of 2014, the organization NetCraft was able to confirm that there were a billion web sites. That is a lot of growth in just over twenty years. During that time, web developers and...
Mobile-Friendly or DEATH BY SMARTPHONE
WARNING: TOMORROW YOUR MOBILE UNFRIENDLY WEB SITE WILL REACH THROUGH YOUR SMART PHONE AND STRANGLE YOUR BUSINESS TO DEATH! No, I'm not being melodramatic. If your web site is not mobile-friendly, you are in deep, deep trouble. You can find out your fate immediately by...
Plugging the Hole: Web Site Triage in 2015
"Hi there! I got your name from my friend Susan whose web site you made (looks great, by the way!). I have a web site which works great for me, but I've been meaning to change the address on there since we moved last year, and now I have a bad Yelp! review because...
JebraWHAT!?: Friendly Answers to Webby Questions…About Analytics
Has it been a month already? That means it's time for the non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. Each month, we dedicate this blog to answering your questions about ways you can take...
Web Site Strategy 101: From Zero to Web Master-Chef
In the beginning, there is just an empty space on the web, waiting -- hungry and alone -- for you to fill it. By the end, you've filled that space with the most delicious content available, with endless full tables savoring every byte. In the middle, there is...
Done Is the New Perfect: How to Update Your Site Without Losing Your Mind
The single most common sentiment I hear from business owners and nonprofit managers about their web sites is that they can't seem to keep them updated. "It takes too long." "It's too hard." "My content management system doesn't work right." "There is nothing to say."...
Who Wore It Best?: How to Accessorize Your Web Site with Social Media
You have an "About" page. You have a blog. You have a very nice slideshow with images of your products or your offices or some vague-looking nature scenes. If your web site were an awards show gown, it would be timeless high fashion: classic, clean, and always in...
JebraWHAT!?: Friendly Answers to Webby Questions…About Free Stuff
Nice to see you! It's time for another edition of JebraWHAT!?, our non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We'll be answering your questions about ways you can take control of your own web...
The Never-Ending Web Project
You signed the contract with the vendor in July. The kickoff meeting was in August. The project was slated to be running through development phases through the fall, with a final launch in early November. T's were crossed, i's were dotted, and the calendar was shiny...
How Your Web Site Makes Your Business Better
There is nothing like a technology project that seems huge, daunting, and enterprise-defining to make an entrepreneur realize how poorly organized his business feels. Sure, he knows why his company is the best at what it does. He knows that if his prospects would just...
Should Your Dog Be on Your Web Site?
Everyone loves their pets, but do those pets belong on your web site? Consider this a public service decision-flow guideline from us to you. Are you a veterinarian? Yes? Your dog belongs on your web site. Are you a gourmet pet food chef? Yes? Your dog belongs on your...
JebraWHAT!?: Friendly Answers to Webby Questions…About Domain Names
Well, hi there! It's time for the second installment of JebraWHAT!?, our new non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We'll be answering your questions about ways you can take control of...
5 Reasons to Focus Web Content Above the Fold, or Maybe Not
Newspapers have adapted beautifully -- if slowly -- to publishing their content online. They've embraced social sharing, robust in-site search, and adapted their business models to use either advertising or subscription-only content, or both. They've adapted their...
I Judge Your Web Site
Your web site either gives me the information I need easily and professionally or it devalues your brand. Period, end of story. Is this fair? Absolutely not. You may sell a fabulous product or be an excellent service provider, but if your web site doesn't showcase...
What’s in a Price?: How Web Site Quotes SHOULD Work
How much do business cards cost? How much do you have to pay for a computer? Or a phone? How about office space? How much does it cost to rent an office? The answer to every single one of those questions is exactly the same: it depends. It depends on dozens of...
JebraWHAT?!: Friendly Answers to Webby Questions…About Video
Well, hi there! It's time for the first episode of JebraWHAT!?, our new non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We'll be answering your questions about ways you can take control of your...
Seven Reasons This Blog Worked for Us (and You Too)
We'll say it with pride: we blogged nearly every single week this year! We've covered topics from search engine optimization, to hosting, to design, to vendor relationships, to content management, to project management, and even to blogging itself. We've written about...