content, design, links, redesign, stock photography
WordPress. Stock photo collections. Design magazines. These are the kinds of resources on which web site owners rely heavily to do the work of building and maintaining their online content, and heaven knows we’d all be lost without them. They get web site owners...
CMS, content, design, functionality, joomla, links, maintenance, social media, stock photography
Business owners have limited supplies of three things: time, patience, and money. Whichever of those items is the scarcest commodity in the moment will determine the relative importance of finding hidden stores of the other two. Most often for my clients, money is the...
content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, mobile, responsive, social media, stock photography
“Hi there! I got your name from my friend Susan whose web site you made (looks great, by the way!). I have a web site which works great for me, but I’ve been meaning to change the address on there since we moved last year, and now I have a bad Yelp! review...
CMS, content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, mobile, open-source, responsive, security, SEO, stock photography
The brilliant Jen Kramer wrote in one of her early books on developing web sites, a chapter entitled, “I Want a Web Site and I Want It Blue; How Much Will That Cost?” Everyone who has ever charged someone to build a web site understands immediately why...
design, stock photography
Oh, stock photos. Stock photos, stock photos, stock photos. Very few web site owners haven’t at least searched for stock photos for their sites, even if they’ve decided in the end not to use them. We all know that words with no images lose the attention of our...