content, customer service, design, functionality, maintenance, mobile, responsive, SEO, social media
2015 brought us some subtle, seemingly-invisible changes in the way web sites worked to support and enhance the businesses and organizations they represent. For many web site owners, this was less the year of the redesign than it was the year of the behind-the-scenes...
content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, SEO, social media
There is nothing like a technology project that seems huge, daunting, and enterprise-defining to make an entrepreneur realize how poorly organized his business feels. Sure, he knows why his company is the best at what it does. He knows that if his prospects would just...
CMS, content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, mobile, open-source, responsive, security, SEO, stock photography
The brilliant Jen Kramer wrote in one of her early books on developing web sites, a chapter entitled, “I Want a Web Site and I Want It Blue; How Much Will That Cost?” Everyone who has ever charged someone to build a web site understands immediately why...
CMS, content, design, functionality, mobile, open-source, responsive, security, SEO
How special are you, really? This is not a rhetorical question. Before you make a major purchase for your business or nonprofit organization, it’s an important one to consider. Does your organization’s identity require defining by what you’re about...
content, customer service, design, SEO, social media
Good web sites are not free or easy. Like all marketing, they have an associated cost and/or time commitment that can range widely from site to site. Hire a designer or a developer to build it for you, and the variations in price get wider. Because you can’t...
functionality, maintenance, SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the scariest phrases I hear from my clients. It sends me reeling into the darkest recesses of my knowledge of web site development, digging for just the right way to ask them that fuzziest of all questions: what, exactly, do...