content, design, links, redesign, stock photography
WordPress. Stock photo collections. Design magazines. These are the kinds of resources on which web site owners rely heavily to do the work of building and maintaining their online content, and heaven knows we’d all be lost without them. They get web site owners...
CMS, content, design, functionality, joomla, links, maintenance, social media, stock photography
Business owners have limited supplies of three things: time, patience, and money. Whichever of those items is the scarcest commodity in the moment will determine the relative importance of finding hidden stores of the other two. Most often for my clients, money is the...
content, customer service, design, functionality, links, mobile, social media
Do you have a web site for your business? Not a Facebook page, not a Yelp page, but a real, honest-to-goodness www dot something? If you answered no, take a moment to read about why your answer should change ASAP. If you do have a web site for your small business, you...
content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, links
In every single web site project I’ve ever done for a client, something has gone at least a little bit wrong. Sometimes I am the culprit, and sometimes my client is the culprit, and sometimes neither of us is at fault, but a hosting company or a vendor has...