CMS, design, functionality, joomla, redesign, upgrade
It must be web site redesign season. Everyone is calling us to ask for new web sites, additional sections and functionality, or spiffed-up graphics and layouts. Last week, I wrote about the great fun I hadredesigning the web site for a local jewelry artist, Elizabeth...
CMS, content, design, functionality, joomla, links, maintenance, social media, stock photography
Business owners have limited supplies of three things: time, patience, and money. Whichever of those items is the scarcest commodity in the moment will determine the relative importance of finding hidden stores of the other two. Most often for my clients, money is the...
joomla, maintenance, open-source, upgrade
The Sony Walkman was the absolute state of the art in portable audio in 1980. Do you remember how cool it was? Suddenly, we could listen to music on headphones anywhere we wanted. It fit in the inside pocket of our jean jackets! There was nothing better than this for...