CMS, content, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, open-source, redesign, upgrade, wordpress
It’s been far longer than it should have been since the last time Jebraweb released a blog post into the world. (Replace the word “Jebraweb” with the name of your business, and I’ll bet that sentence might still be true.) Just like you,...
content, domain names, hosting
Well, hi there! It’s time for this month’s episode of JebraWHAT!?, our non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We’ll be answering your questions about ways you can take...
CMS, content, functionality, hosting, mobile, open-source, responsive, social media, upgrade
In June of 1993, there were approximately 130 web sites. That’s all. By September of 2014, the organization NetCraft was able to confirm that there were a billion web sites. That is a lot of growth in just over twenty years. During that time, web developers and...
content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, mobile, responsive, social media, stock photography
“Hi there! I got your name from my friend Susan whose web site you made (looks great, by the way!). I have a web site which works great for me, but I’ve been meaning to change the address on there since we moved last year, and now I have a bad Yelp! review...
content, customer service, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, SEO, social media
There is nothing like a technology project that seems huge, daunting, and enterprise-defining to make an entrepreneur realize how poorly organized his business feels. Sure, he knows why his company is the best at what it does. He knows that if his prospects would just...
content, hosting, questions
Well, hi there! It’s time for the second installment of JebraWHAT!?, our new non-techy, ultra-friendly advice column for social entrepreneurs and non-profits managing their web sites on their own. We’ll be answering your questions about ways you can take...