CMS, content, design, functionality, hosting, maintenance, open-source, redesign, upgrade, wordpress
It’s been far longer than it should have been since the last time Jebraweb released a blog post into the world. (Replace the word “Jebraweb” with the name of your business, and I’ll bet that sentence might still be true.) Just like you,...
CMS, content, customer service, design, functionality
Some business owners can do it all: find the commercial space for their business, paint it, install the new light fixtures, find affordable office furniture online, source and hire all their employees via Craigslist, design their own business cards/print ads/online...
CMS, design, functionality, joomla, redesign, upgrade
It must be web site redesign season. Everyone is calling us to ask for new web sites, additional sections and functionality, or spiffed-up graphics and layouts. Last week, I wrote about the great fun I hadredesigning the web site for a local jewelry artist, Elizabeth...
CMS, commerce, content, design, functionality, redesign, upgrade
I love doing web site redesigns. These days, web sites have come to mean so much to the organizations they represent that a web site that doesn’t fit anymore affects every aspect of the business. Clients who want a redesign may want it for any of several...
CMS, content, design, functionality, joomla, links, maintenance, social media, stock photography
Business owners have limited supplies of three things: time, patience, and money. Whichever of those items is the scarcest commodity in the moment will determine the relative importance of finding hidden stores of the other two. Most often for my clients, money is the...
CMS, content, functionality, hosting, mobile, open-source, responsive, social media, upgrade
In June of 1993, there were approximately 130 web sites. That’s all. By September of 2014, the organization NetCraft was able to confirm that there were a billion web sites. That is a lot of growth in just over twenty years. During that time, web developers and...